The ChesspediaMatlakov Maxim (05.03.1991)Kadric Denis (12.06.1995)Khairullin Ildar (22.08.1990)Korobov Anton (25.06.1985)Korotylev Alexey (01.03.1977)Kotanjian Tigran (01.09.1985)Kosashvili Yona (03.07.1970)Kovacevic Aleksandar (11.02.1974)Kotov Alexander Alexandrovich (12.08.1913 – 07.01.1981)Bledow Ludwig Erdman (27.07.1795 – 06.08.1846)

Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:14:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 /matlakov-maxim-05-03-1991/ Sun, 11 Jun 2017 19:18:59 +0000 /?p=30325 Matlakov smlRussian Grandmaster, European Champion 2017, World U18 Champion in 2009 and Russian U20 Champion in 2011.

Best results:  Saint Petersburg City Chess Championship 2009, 1; Aivars Gipslis 2009, 1st; MemorialEuropean Individual Chess Championship 2012, 2-6th; Chigorin Memorial 2013, 1-3rd; Moscow Open 2014, 1-4th; Politiken Cup 2014, 1-3rd; Gibraltar Open 2015, 3rd; Grenke Open 2017, 2nd.

Peak rating: 2714 in 2017.

]]> /kadric-denis-12-06-1995/ Sun, 11 Jun 2017 17:17:16 +0000 /?p=30313 KadricBosnian Grandmaster (2015), Bosnian Champion in 2013. European Rapid Champion U18. Bachelor’s Degree, in Finance from the Dallas University.

Best results: International Championship of Vojvodina 2015, 1-3rd; 81st Annual Southwest Open 2015, 1-2nd; Serbia C. Open 2016, 1st; Bosna Open 2016, 1st.
A member of the national team since 2012.

Peak rating: 2594 in 2016.

]]> /khairullin-ildar/ /khairullin-ildar/#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2017 08:24:22 +0000 /?p=8259 khairullin smlRussian Grandmaster (2007). World U18 Champion in 2005 and St Petersburg Champion in 2010.

Best results: World U14 2004, 3rd; World Youth Stars 2005, 2nd; FINEC Rector Cup (RUS) 2006, 3rd; Russian Championship 2006, 5th, Kazan Reg. championship 2009, 1st; Russian U20 championship 2010, 3rd; Russian championship HL 2010, 2-10th; Botvinik Memorial (RUS), 1-7th

Best ELO: 2660 in 2013.

]]> /khairullin-ildar/feed/ 0 /korobov-anton/ /korobov-anton/#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:52:49 +0000 /?p=8570 Korobov smlUkrainian Grandmaster. Korobov studied Law at Kharkiv University. World Champion U16 in 1991, Ukrainian Champion in 2002 and 2012 and runner-up in 2004.

Best results: Winner or shared first at Linares Anibal Open 2003, Prince Mohammed International (JOR) 2009, Czech Open 2009, New Years All-Ukrainian Open 2009, Czech Open 2010, Abu Dhabi Masters 2010 and Nakhchivan Open 2011, Aeroflot Open 2012, New Delhi Open 2012, Poïkovski-Karpov Tournament in 2015 and 2016.

Peak rating: 2723.

]]> /korobov-anton/feed/ 0 /korotylev-alexey/ /korotylev-alexey/#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2017 04:36:37 +0000 /?p=8575 Korotylev-AlexeyRussian Grandmaster (2000) and Russian Vice Champion in 2002. Deputy coach of the women Russian team under Yury Dokhoian.

Best results: Chigorin Memorial 2000, 1st-6th; St. Petersburg 2001, 2nd-6th; Swiss Open Championship 2003, 2nd; Super Russian Championship 2004, 9th and Wijk aan Zee III 2005, 2nd

For some time he worked as Alexandra Kosteniuk’s trainer. He doesn’t play too much.
Peak rating: 2620 in 2007.

[Event “Moscow-ch op”]
[Site “Moscow”]
[Date “1998.??.??”]
[EventDate “?”]
[Round “1”]
[Result “1-0”]
[White “Alexey Korotylev”]
[Black “Zviad Izoria”]
[ECO “E58”]
[WhiteElo “?”]
[BlackElo “?”]
[PlyCount “57”]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 O-O 5.Bd3 c5 6.Nf3 d5 7.O-O
Nc6 8.a3 Bxc3 9.bxc3 Qc7 10.cxd5 exd5 11.a4 c4 12.Bc2 Bg4
13.Qe1 Rfe8 14.Nh4 Bh5 15.f3 Bg6 16.Nxg6 hxg6 17.e4 Re6 18.e5
Nd7 19.f4 f5 20.g4 Ne7 21.Ba3 Rf8 22.Qh4 Nb8 23.Rf3 Nbc6
24.Rh3 Kf7 25.Qh7 fxg4 26.f5 gxf5 27.Bxf5 gxh3 28.Rf1 Rh6
29.Bd7+ 1-0

]]> /korotylev-alexey/feed/ 0 /kotanjian-tigran/ /kotanjian-tigran/#respond Thu, 01 Jun 2017 07:58:29 +0000 /?p=9131 Kotanjian-TigranArmenian Grandmaster (2005), Armenian Champion 2014 and vice champion  in 2007.

Best results: winner or shared first at the Ebnsina Open (IRI) 2005, Blue Sevan (ARM) 2006, Dubai Open 2009, Karen Asrian Memorial (ARM) 2010, Aeroflot Open B 2011, Keren Asrian Memorial (ARM) 2011. Kotanjian also came third in the Iranian Open Championship 2005.
A member of the national team at the 2014 Olympiad.

Peak rating:  2580 in 2009.

]]> /kotanjian-tigran/feed/ 0 /kosashvili-yona/ /kosashvili-yona/#respond Wed, 31 May 2017 09:00:11 +0000 /?p=8641 KosashviliIsraeli Grandmaster (1994) and surgeon born in Georgia. He emigrated to Israel in 1972. He is a talented Israeli player who, due to heavy medical practice doesn’t play anymore.

Best results:  winner at in Tel Aviv 1992, Rishon Le Zion 1994, Haifa Vidra and Portoroz Vidmar Memorial 1995 and the Curacao Anniversary Open in 2002 (shared).

A participant in the 1990 Olympiad, winning a silver medal for the best individual performance (83%) on board six and in the Olympiad of 1998.   Kosashvili is married to IM Sofia Polgar.
Peak rating: 2580 in 1995.

]]> /kosashvili-yona/feed/ 0 /kovacevic-aleksandar/ /kovacevic-aleksandar/#respond Wed, 31 May 2017 08:28:50 +0000 /?p=9146 Kovacevic-AleksandarSerbian Grandmaster (2000) and co-Champion of Yugoslavia in 2001.

Best results: winner or shared first in Bucharest 1997, Stavroupoli Open 2003, Nova Gorica Open and Slavonija 2004, Zadar Open 2006, Stara Pazova-Ilindan 2007, Rijeka 2007, Novi Sad GM 2009, Bora Kostic Memorial (SRB) 2010, Pula Open 2011.

Kovacevic participated in the Olympiads between 2000 and 2008.

Peak rating: 2616 in 2008.

]]> /kovacevic-aleksandar/feed/ 0 /kotov-alexander-alexandrovich/ /kotov-alexander-alexandrovich/#respond Wed, 31 May 2017 08:04:09 +0000 /?p=9133 Kotov-Alexander-AlexandroviSoviet Grandmaster (1950) and International Arbiter (1951).  Kotov studied Engineering.  He was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1944 and was joint Soviet Champion with David Bronstein in 1948.
Captain of the Soviet team in few occasions and Chief Arbiter at the 1974 Olympiad.

Best results: Kotov established a record, which he held for 18 years, by winning the 1952 Interzonal three points ahead of Tigran Petrosian and Mark Taimanov. He won in Venice 1950 and in Hastings 1962-63.

The author of A Chess Player Jotting (1957), TheSoviet School of Chess (1958), Think like a Grandmaster(1985), Play Like a Grandmaster (1973), Grandmaster at Work (1980) Train Like a Grandmaster (1981) and Alexander Alekhine (1961).

Kotov was a member of the Soviet team that won the 1952 and 1954 Olympiads.

Peak rating: 2500.

]]> /kotov-alexander-alexandrovich/feed/ 0 /bledow-ludwig-erdman/ Sun, 28 May 2017 10:33:36 +0000 /?p=15948 Bledow-Ludwig-ErdmanGerman chess player and composer. A teacher of mathematics. He was a member of the Berlin Pleiades.

Best results: Winner of a row of matches, including the match with Adolf Andersen 4-1. Chairman of the Berlin chess club in 1836 he founded 10 years later the first and famous German chess magazine

Chairman of the Berlin chess club in 1836 he founded 10 years later the first and famous German chess magazine DeutscheSchachzeitung. Later he inspired Paul Rudolf Bilguer and Tassilo von der Lasa to produce their famous Handbuch
In the 1830’s he organized the first correspondence matches in Germany (Berlin-Breslau, Berlin-Hamburg, Berlin-Magdeburg, etc.).
