
Australia: The Albertan Championship was won by Holowach and and Skeel who scored 7,5 points out of 8.
Holland: The 17th traditional tournament at Beverwijk was held from January 8-16. In the absence of Dr.M. Euwe travelling in the US, B. Milic (YUG) acted the first with 6,5 points, H. Bouwmeester and Donner shared the 2-3 places with 6 points.
Hungary: The Hungarian players Honfi and Bilek shared with 10 points out of 14 the victory at the memorial I. Gecsey.
Poland: Sliwa and Witkowski shared the victory at the Polish Championship with 11 points out of 17. Sliwa became the winner on the Sonneborn-Berger.
Australia: J.Kellner with 12 points won the New South Wales championship, the second was Steiner with 11, J.Purdy with 8,5 points.
England. The Soviet V. Smyslov and P. Keres shared first that the 30th Hastings Congress with 7/9.
New Zealand. O. Sarapu won the 62nd championship of New Zealand. He was three points ahead of his closest rivals Turner and Feneridis.
USA: On the 9th of January Dr. M. Euwe gave a simultaneous display at the Manhattan Club having scored +8, =8, -2. At Marshall Club, two days later, he scored +16, =4, -1.

Obituary: The well know recognized international master, the British Henry Ernest Atkins passed away on 31st of January at the age of 82. He was 9 times British champion and competed on the Olympiades in 1927 and 1931. For him chess was more a hobby than anything else, in all his career he played only 3 international tournaments in Amstrdam 1899, Hanover 1902 and London 1922.


Australia: Sulik with 5 points out of 5, won the championship of South Australia, the Western Australian was won by Leonhardt with a clean score 11 points.
East Germany: Sucha CZE and Iwanowa BUL shared the victory at the Eastern European Zonal tournament for women, played at Leipzig.
Hungary: G. Barcza became the winner of the 11th Hungarian Championship at Budapest with 14 points out of 19 ahead of L. Szabo 13.
Sweden: G. Stahlberg with 7 points out of 9 scored the victory at the tournament in Stockholm, followed by Johansson with 6 points, Goode with 5,5, Nilsson, Skold, and Sterner with 4,5 points…
USSR: L. Volpert with 14 points out of 19 became the winner of the Soviet Women’s Championship.
Yugoslavia: A team match Yugoslavia-West Germany ended with a victory of the Yugoslavs with a score 12,5-7,5.
In Novi Sad, N. Karaklajic surprised S. Gligoric to win the 10th Yugoslav championship.


Bulgaria: Padevski scored the victory with 13 points out of 19 at the Bulgarian Championship.
Finland: The Finnish championship was won by K.Ojanen who was 1,5 points in front of Westerinen, Ridala and Fred.
Poland: B. Sliwa was adjudged to be the winner at the Polish championship after a play-off match won  against Witkowski with a score of 4-2.
Uruguay: Letelier with 14,5 points became the winner of the international tournament with 18 participants at Montevideo URU. Dr. Bernstein and Najdorf shared 2-3 places with 14 points. Toran was the fourth with 13,5 points.
USA:  A. Kevitz and J. Sherwin shared first at the 67th Manhattan Chess Club Championship and F. Howard and W. Lombardy shared first the Marshall Chess Club Championship.


Australia: K.Ozols with 9,5 points out of 11 won the 1954 Victorian Championship, followed by Crowl with 10,5 points.
Belgium: A. O’Kelly won the IT played at Brussels in April. He scored 3,5 points, ahead of N. Karaklajic (YUG) with 3 points, R. Lemaire with 2…
England. The Belgian A. O’Kelly scored another victory at the Bognor Regis Open.
Czechoslovakia: A team tournament was held in Prague with 8 teams, the results were as follows: Hungary was the first with 19 points, ahead of Czechoslovakia with 18 and Poland with 11.
Hungary: In the absence of L. Szabo, the IT at Budapest in April was won by G. Kluger with 9 points out of 13, ahead of Bely and Gereben with 8,5 points…
USA: Lombardy with 11,5 points out of 14 won the Marshall Club Championship USA.
USSR: The first place of the 22nd USSR championship and Zonal tournament was shared  between V. Smyslov and E. Geller who scored 12 points each.
Yugoslavia: D. Bronstein gave a simultaneous display at Belgrade with a result of +10,=6,-8.
T. Petrosian made a similar exercise at Novi Sad and scored +13,=9, -4.
L. Barcza was in Sombor and won 16, drew 10 and lost 5. Florian at Apatin where he won 14, drew4 and lost 9.
L. Toth with 10,5 points out of 13 became the winner of the IT of Backa Topola YUG, followed by Kozomara, A. Matulovic and R. Wade with 10 points.


Netherlands: JH. Donner took the victory with 2,5 points at the annual IT at Gouda this year. There followed H. Bouwmeester with 2, van Geet with 1…
Scotland. J. Aitken won the 62nd Scotish Championship. with 6,5 out of 7.
South Africa. W. Heidenfeld was the 20th South A
Switzerland: Netherlands was the winner of the International Team Tournament of  Clare Benedict at Mont Pelerin. Thanks to M. Euwe who achieved the biggest score, Netherlands finished first with 15,5 points, 2. Switzerland with 11,5, 3. Austria with 10,5.


Argentina: Second success for B. Ivkov (YUG)  in Buenos Aires, this time, he finished ahead of S. Gligoric (YUG), H. Pilnik (ARG) and L. Szabo (HUN).


Denmark: B. Larsen with 10 points out of 11 became the new Danish Champion at Aalborg.
Ireland. England won the 8th Glorney Cup ahead of Scotland.
France: Popel with 8 points out of 9, acted the first at the Easter Tournament in Paris, followed by Baratz with 7, Mazzoni with 6, Molnar and Rose with 5,5…
Germany: L.Schmid with 8,5 points out of 11 became the winner of the South German Qualifying Tournament – German Championship at Nuremberg.
The Yugoslavian Master A. Matanovic won the Klaus Junge Memorial in Hamburg ahead of K. Darga.
Malaysia: D.Pritchard with 4 points out of 5 won the Malayan Championship held at Kuala Lumpur.
Roumania: The team match between Romania and France was held in Bucharest and was won by the home team with a score 13,5-6,5…
Sweden: Nilsson scored the victory with 8,5 points out of 9 at the IT at Kiruna in North Sweden, followed by O. Barda with 6,5 points and Pedersen DEN with 5 points.
G. Danielsson won the 39th Swedish championship.
South Africa: the 12th South Africa Championship with 24 participants was played at Cape Town in April, W.Heidenfeld won easily with 6,5 points out of 7.
USA: In Lincoln, C. Kalme became the US Junior Champion with 9 out of 10.


Belgium: The Yugoslav Karaklajic with 4,5 points out of 5 became the winner of  the IT at Ghent.
Canada: F. Andersson added a new title of Canada Champion to his biography.
France: USSR team with 41 points became the winner of the international Students’ Team Tournament which was played at Lyons, there were followed by Yugoslavia with 33 points, Bulgaria and Hungary with 32,5, Czechoslovakia with 27,5, Island with 26…
Mme Chaude de Silans – the French woman-champion- took part in two matches, one with the Swiss Grob where she drew  3-3 and another one with Crisovan where she lost with a score 4,5-1,5.
Germany: A strong international tournament was held at Hamburg. A. Matanovic (YUG) with 12 points won convincingly 1,5 points ahead of Darga (FRG) and 3 points ahead of Pirc (YUG).
England: In Abersystwyth, H. Golombek became the new British Champion with 8,5 points, ahead of R. Wade with 8 points.
Hungary. The Master E. Gereben won the Maroczy memorial organized in Debrecen.
Holland: M. Euwe and T. van Scheltinga scored  9 points out of 13 and became the winners of the Ritmeester Tournament.
F. Roessel won the 1st Dutch Open championship.
India: 36 players took part in the 1st Indian Championship played at Eluru which was won by Sapre and Venkayya with 9 points out of 12.
Italy: The master’s tournament at the chess Congress at Sirmione was won by Nestler who scored 4 points out of 5 followed by Popel, Bogdanovic and Fleischman.
Norway: In Oslo, Bent Larsen (DEN) shared with F. Olafsson (ISL) the 23rd Nordic Chess Championship.
South Africa. Dr. Max Euwe touring in the country could not do better with a 3rd place at the Johannesburg IT won by W. Heidenfeld.
Spain: In the absence of R. Toran, the Spanish championship was won by J. Diez del Corral with 11,5 points out of 13.
Sweden: The FIDE Interzonal of Goteborg was won by D. Bronstein (USSR) who scored 15 points, 1,5 points ahead of his nearest rival P. Keres (USSR), there were followed by O. Panno (ARG) with 13, T. Petrosian (USSR) with 12,5 points, Geller (USSR) and L. Szabo (HUN) with 12, M. Filip (CZE), H. Pilnik (ARG) and Spassky (USSR) with 11points…
Switzerland: The team match between Switzerland and Austria was held at Balgach and ended with a victory of the Swiss team with a score 11-9.
USA:  In Long Beach, N. Rossolimo and S. Reshevsky shared first at the 56th US Open ch.
USSR: Y. Averbakh won the championship of Azerbaijan, R. Kholmov won the Lithuanian ch., Y. Krutikhin won the Kyrgyzstan ch., A. Lutikov won the RSFRS championship and V. Korchnoi won the 28th Leningrad ch., A. Gipslis won the Latvian ch., A. Arulaid won the Estonian ch., A. Shishov won the Georgian ch., A.  Suetin won the Belarus ch., Krogius won the Latvian ch. and E. Vasiukov won the Moscow championship.


Belgium. The 3rd World Junior attracted a great deal of publicity mostly directed to the young Soviet star Boris Spassky. Spassky blundered and lost to H. Klages (FRG) in the preliminary but manage easily to finish on top of his of his group. Nothing unexpected occurred during the final stage. Spassky won majestically, E. Mednis (USA) was a clear second and M. Farre Mallofre (ESP) played solidly to finish 3rd ahead of L. Portisch (HUN) and G. Tringov (BUL).
Muller with 8,5 points out of 10 possible became the winner of the Berlin Championship.
The Saarland Championship was won for the sixth time by Benkner who scored 5 points.
Hungary: At the USSR-Hungary match which was held in Budapest, the Soviet team emerged easily with 20-12. T. Petrosian and P. Keres had the best results – 5,5/7 and 5/7 respectively.
Portugal: J. Durao with 6,5 points without a loss became the winner of the Portugal Championship.
Sweden: G.Danielson with 1,5 points won the title of the Swedish Championship held in June at Sodertalje SWE.
A telegraph match between G. Stahlberg (Stockholm) and D. Bronstein (Moscow) ended with a draw 2,5-2,5.
USSR: The team match between USSR and USA at Moscow ended with a convincing victory of the Soviet team by 25-7. Details: USSR 5,5-USA 2,5; 2. USSR 7-USA 1; USSR 5,5-USA 2,5 and USSR 7- USA 1. In the US team, only S. Reshevsky managed to get a positive score by winning his match vs. M. Botvinnik 2,5/4.
RSFSR won the annual USSR team championship ahead of Leningrad.


Austria: Auer became the winner of the Austrian Championship with 11 points out of 15, followed by Duckstein…
A friendly match was held in Vienna between the national teams of Austria and Holland. Without Donner, Van Scheltinga the Dutch could not escape a defeat with a score of 11,5-8,8. On top boards Lokvenc drew with Euwe 1-1; Prins beat Beni 2-0 and Bouwmeester beat Kinzel 1,5-0,5.
East Germany. In Berlin, the local national team beat Denmark 13,5-6,5.
W. Uhlmann won the IT of Erfurt with 9,5 out of 13.
West Germany: K. Darga won the 3rd FRG championship ahead of L. Schmid.
Italy: Janosevic acted finished at the IT at San Benedetto del Tronto having scored 10,5 points out of 11 possible then followed Djurasevic and Emden with 7,5 points, Keller with 7…
Poland: The USSR team beat convincingly the Polish team at Lodz with a score 17-3.
Switzerland: W.Henneberger (SA) with 7 points out of 9 possible became the winner of the Zurich championship.
Max Blau, with 9 points out of 11, became the Swiss Champion which was organized in Papperswill.
Yugoslavia: The Ljubliana Tournament was won by N. Karaklajic who scored 11,5 points, ahead of B. Milic with 11 points, M. Udovic with 10,5 N. Padevsky (BUL) and G. Stahlberg (SWE) with 10…


Austria: Troger GER with 7 points became the winner of the IT at Kapfenberg AUT in September ahead of Robatsch AUT with 6,5 points, Dr.Nedeljkovic YUG with 6, Auer AUT, Scafarelli ITA, and Van Scheltinga NED with 4,5 points…
Belgium: The Belgium Championship was won by three players J. Gobert, Dr. P. Limbos and P. Lemaire. In the play-off match J. Gobert emerged with 3 points ahead of P. Limbos 2 and R. Lemaire 1.
Canada: F.Anderson scored the victory at the Canadian Championship with 8,5 points out of 11.
Germany: E. Hahn became the winner of the Bavarian championship with 7,5 points, S. Wolk had the same score but according the Sonnerborn-Berger system Hahn was adjudged the title of champion.
A match between East Germany and Denmark, without B. Larsen,  was held in Berlin. East German came out with a victory 13,5-6,5. On board one, the young champion W. Uhlmann beat A. Nielsen 1,5-0,5.
France: For the fourth time, Boutteville with 7,5 points became the winner of the French Championship.
Egypt: Basyouni won the Egyptian Championship last September with 13 points out of 14.
France: The autumn IT at Caissa Club in Paris was won by Dr.Tartakower, having scored 7 points, ahead of Scherbakoff, Popel and Ravon with 6,5…
Germany: The West German Championship was won by Darga who scored 12,5 points out of 15.
Iceland: H. Pilnik (ARG) with 7 points out of 9 took the victory at IT at Reykjavik, followed by Palmason and Johansson with 6,5 points…Later, Pilnik played two matches in Reykjavik which finished with a lost 5-1 vs. the young F. Olafsson and a draw with I. Johannsson 1-1.
Indonesia: Hutagalung with 10 points out of 13 won the Indonesian Championship played in Djakarta.
Israel: M. Czerniak won the 8th Israeli championship.
Poland: J. Gromek won the 13th championship of Poland with 13/19.
Spain: A. Pomar became the winner of the IT of Gijon  with 9 points out of 10, followed by Orban with 7,5 points, Rodrigo with 7, Rico with 6, Moran with 5…
USSR: Rubtsova with 15 points won the Women’s Championship Candidates tournament held in USSR. There followed Volpert with 14,5, Keller-Herman GER with 14, Zvorykina with 13,5 points, Borisenko with 13, Nedeljkovic YUG with 12,5, Lazarevic YUG with 12 points…
A. Lutikov became the Soviet Army Champion ahead of L. Stein.
USA: The double-round Rosenwald trophy played in New York ended in a tie between A. Bisguier and L. Evans with 6 each, followed by S. Reshevsky 5,5, I. Horowitz 4,5 and W. Lombardy and Shipman 4.
Yugoslavia: A team match Yugoslavia-Italy played at Ljubljana ended with a victory of the Yugoslavian with a score of 17,5-5,5.
At Zagreb, V. Smyslov achieved an impressive victory by winning the strong field without any defeat and two points ahead of its nearest rivals. The Champion finished with 14,5 ahead of B. Ivkov and A. Matanovic 12,5; then E. Geller and S. Gligoric 12; A. Bisguier 11,5; A. O’Kelly and P. Trifunovic 11…
Wales: A Griffiths won the first Welsh championship.

Obituary: The American master Herman Steiner died of a hard attack in California on November 25th. Born in Hungary. His main chess successes were 1st at the US Open 1942. He was a member (3 times) of the Olympic US team 1930,1931 and 1950. Also, he was a member of the US team who played USSR in 1945 with a positive score of 1,5-0,5 vs. D. Bronstein.


Cuba: Carlos Calero won the 8th national championship held in Havana and R. Carbonell the junior champion.
Romania. I. Balanel edged V. Ciocaltea and A. Gunsberg to become the 19th Romanian champion.
Uruguay: Lorenzo Bauza is the new national champion with 16-4.USA: A the Ladies championship, G. Gresser and N. Roos shared the title.
Bulgaria: N. Padevsky won the 20th Bulgarian championship.

C. Griffith, one of the leading English master of the early 20th century died at the age of 83 on December 11. Editor of the BCM from 1920 till 1938, he was also a strong player. His major success was in 1912 when he became the British Champion ahead of Yates, Cole, Atkins, Blackburne and Blake.

William Winter died on December 17th. He was 57 years old. Born in Scotland he became twice British champions in 1935 and 1936. He played also 4 Olympiads for the English team. Cultivated man he was also a very good writer like the famous book on the Candidate tournament of Zurich 1953.